Megan Duffield and Laura Taffinder at the Duffield Design Studio-Boutique. Photo by Jake Davies.
Author Jake Davies highlights the important role Laura plays on the Duffield Design Team, and why more businesses should expand their reach for neurodivergent talent.
Taffinder joins Dunrobin fashion industry
By Jake Davies - West Carleton Online
DUNROBIN – For Laura Taffinder, it’s a job that provides a lot more than just financial support.
It provides the 17-year-old with a sense of accomplishment, pride in her ability and a feeling of belonging in the work world – something that hasn’t always been possible for the neurodivergent Dunrobin youth.
And for Megan Duffield and her growing clothing business Duffield Design, it’s an important role filled by a hard-working, competent and dedicated employee.